Just a few days after posting about how we haven't had any luck with finding a house we found one, made an offer and had it accepted!
Sari and I have been looking for a house for the last three weeks. We were preapproved for a loan about a month ago and started looking right away. Nevet in my wildest dreams did I think that finding a house would be so difficult.
Last Monday (Jun. 5) we putan offer on a house that was in the Greenwood neighborhood in Seattle. The asking price was $379k but as we knew there were going to be multiple offers we offered $400k. The house ended up selling for $460k! The truth is that even if we had that much money we wouldn't have paid that much for it. We took comfort in that until tonight.
In about four hours Sari and I will be on our way to Hawaii. I'll be taking pictures and keeping a journal of what we do. See you all next week.
In slightly different news my sister had her baby finally and it's a boy! His name is Daschiell Gordon Polson.
As soon as I get some pictures I'll post them.
Sari and I just finished watching the last season of Six Feet Under and boy was it good. All the seasons have been incredibly satisfying in their own ways but the last season made me happy, angry and sad all at the same time.
The show was concluded with the best finale I have ever seen. When I first started watching the show and found out there were only 5 seasons I was very disappointed. I think that if the show had gone on longer it would've started to lose some of its magic. The writing was incredible, the deaths were creative and the characters were all believable. If you haven't seen Six Feet Under or only seen the first few episodes I would highly recommend renting it. I've never been so hooked on a show before.
I'm funny with sports. I'm not a big sports guy but when I do watch them I get a bit psycho. I can't do it often because I get really angry and stressed out, especially when bad calls are made. I did it when I watched the Aussie Rules Grande Final and I'm doing it again with the Super Bowl today.
Is it just me or are the Seahawks getting the shaft? There have been some really bad calls in this game which have cost the Seahawks two possible touchdowns and garnered the Steelers a touchdown they shouldn't have gotten.
I thought I'd get pictures up quickly for a change. I just downloaded all the photos from my camera from our Eugene trip for your enjoyment. There are quite a few "repeated" photos and some aren't in focus very well but I think I got rid of most of the messy ones. See the photos on Flickr
We're in the final stretch of our trip, just now leaving St. Helens. Roland is having to leave his parents and all his friends behind to come stay with us for good in Seattle. He's incredibly brave for taking such a risk at his age.
I hope that we can teach him what he wasn't learning in his home-town.
With any luck he'll be starting school this week so he'll have more to do than playing video games, watching movies and playing on the computer.
We spent most of the day yesterday driving down to Eugene to visit some extended family. After spending some quality time with then we're on our way north again to visit Sari and Roland's dad.
This visit should be a bit more fun as we'll have a hot meal ready for us and be able to spend the night there instead of staying at a motel which will save us about $130. I believe it's fancy hamburgers and some crab on the menu.
I'll feel a lot better when we're back at home though.