Alex Polson's Personal Blog

Clumsy Skateboarder

Posted: 2006-01-27T19:44Z[UTC] by Alex

Funny story....

We're on our way to Eugene, OR to visit some family and we just stopped in Olympia to get some coffee. We were trying to take a right through a cobble stone crosswalk and a skate boarder was skating really slowly through, to the point of the light turning red. We honked our horn to get him out of the middle of the road and in his haste to turn around and glare at us his board slipped out from under him, he fell on his butt and spilled his coffee in the street. He was okay just a little embarrassed.

Hockey in Everett

Posted: 2006-01-22T02:57Z[UTC] by Alex

Sari and Roland and I are at a hockey game in Everett. The Everett Silvertips vs. The Vancouver Giants. It's my and Rolands first hockey game. It should be a fun time.

Brokeback Mountain at the Egyptian

Posted: 2005-12-18T20:27Z[UTC] by Alex

Roland, Sari and I are at The Egyptian on Broadway in Seattle geting ready to watch Brokeback Mountain. It's had some very positive reviews so we're looking forward to it.

Brief review after the movie...

Brokeback Mountain was actually pretty good. It seemed like a fairly believable story. The only problem I had with it is that it tended to be rather slow and repetitive at times. I would say that if you can see it as a matinee it would be well worth the money. I wouldn't pay full price for it though.

The Onion Predicts the Five Blade Razor!

Posted: 2005-09-15T16:29Z[UTC] by Alex

It seems Gilette took the [Onions predictions from February 2004 (WARNING: the language is colorful) to heart and created a five blade razor. Way to go!

Here's some more coverage of the accomplishment.

Concerns over iPod nano Being Too Thin...

Posted: 2005-09-15T12:26Z[UTC] by Alex

I'm not quite sure how to summarize this one so I'll just steal a quote from the article itself...

The iPod Nano joins a long line of negative cultural stereotypes, including the Barbie doll, the stick insect and Lindsey Lohan. While the comparison may not be entirely fair (the iPod is a far better actor), there is no doubt that the tech industry is fuelling an unhealthy trend with its ceaseless "thin and light" gimmickry. And while the original iPod was once considered slender, the release of the somewhat-slinkier Nano has made it look like a veritable beefcake. As one iPod owner explains, "I used to think my iPod was attractive, but now I realize it\u2019s morbidly obese."

iPod nano Review and Destruction

Posted: 2005-09-12T20:44Z[UTC] by Alex

Ars technica have posted a review of the new iPod nano which includes a "high impact" stress test which includes the normal drops but also includes being thrown from a speeding (50mph) car, being dropped from about 40 feet and being run over by a car... twice! The nano heald up surprisingly well.

If you're interested in the new iPod then you'll definitely want to give it a read as it's very informative.

World of Warcraft Collectable Card Game

Posted: 2005-09-12T01:28Z[UTC] by Alex

If you've read any of my previous posts you'll know that I've been playing World of Warcraft since the beta test period a year ago. It's the first game in a very long time that has held my attentio for so long. Now Blizzard Entertainment is teaming up with Upper Deck to create a collectable trading card game that can also be used to get special items or priveleges in the actual online game.

Apple iPod nano

Posted: 2005-09-07T19:51Z[UTC] by Alex

Apple has done it again. It seems they've combined concepts from the iPod shuffle, mini and original iPod to come up with this little beauty. It's definitely going on my wishlist.

Eric Conveys an Emotion

Posted: 2005-09-07T16:26Z[UTC] by Alex

Eric Conveys an Emotion is a site devoted to... conveying requested emotions. The idea behind this site is so simple but he's got some really funny pictures there. My favorite so far is "Like Taking Candy From A Baby" but "Inner Child" is also really good.

Check it out...

Six Feet Under

Posted: 2005-09-04T19:00Z[UTC] by Alex

Sari and I just started watching Six Feet Under thanks to Netflix. Though the basic premise of the show seemed a little bit out there, we've been very curious about it. We had heard a lot of good things about the show from friends and family so we decided to give it a try.

The show is definitely unusual. It's about a family that runs a mortuary. Each episode covers somebody's death and how it affects the family (as well as any other family drama going on). As with most pilots it was a bit slow but each successive episode gets better and better. We're hooked.It's been nice to have something to watch as we've been without cable at our new place for ages. There are no cable outlets in the house (except for the floors above and below us) and it would cost about $100 to have one put in in an appropriate spot. Instead we've opted to stay subscribed to Netflix and use the money that we're saving (along with some extra) to go to Europe next year. We really want to go to England, to visit some of my family, and France.