Alex Polson's Personal Blog

Six Feet Under

Posted: 2005-09-04T19:00Z[UTC] by Alex

Sari and I just started watching Six Feet Under thanks to Netflix. Though the basic premise of the show seemed a little bit out there, we've been very curious about it. We had heard a lot of good things about the show from friends and family so we decided to give it a try.

The show is definitely unusual. It's about a family that runs a mortuary. Each episode covers somebody's death and how it affects the family (as well as any other family drama going on). As with most pilots it was a bit slow but each successive episode gets better and better. We're hooked.It's been nice to have something to watch as we've been without cable at our new place for ages. There are no cable outlets in the house (except for the floors above and below us) and it would cost about $100 to have one put in in an appropriate spot. Instead we've opted to stay subscribed to Netflix and use the money that we're saving (along with some extra) to go to Europe next year. We really want to go to England, to visit some of my family, and France.

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