Alex Polson's Personal Blog

A Short Walk

Posted: 2009-03-31T16:26Z[UTC] by Alex

This morning Amazon had an "All Hands" meeting. I thought it was at Benaroya Hall so I took my normal bus downtown and it conveniently dropped me off right outside the Hall. Upon arrival I quickly noticed that the normal throng of people outside was just that; normal. No Amazonians in sight.

Checking my trusty iPhone I was dismayed to discover that it was actually at the Paramount Theater! I walked quickly through several city blocks downtown and eventually ran into the migrating masses of Amazonians headed to the theater. On the way I ran into something curious; a smell. Yes, a smell, a pleasant smell by the way. Not just any smell. A smell that reminded me of walking through the streets of Paris . I'm not sure what it was that I was smelling. Pipe smoke? Fresh baked... stuff? It doesn't matter really. I love the fact that something as simple as a smell can trigger memories for me (for us) so overwhelmingly.

Unfortunately it was also a sobering reminder that it will be a year next month that we went to Paris and London. Time to plan another trip. The travel bug is starting to bite again!

  • all-hands
  • amazon
  • anniversary
  • london
  • paris
  • walk